" The Confrontation," by Raymond barrio and " The Fight," by Richard Wright, have some similarities and some differences in them.

The story, " The Fight" by Richard Wright, was about a new boy transferring schools and was afraid of how the boys would be in the new school. So on the boy first day of school, his Uncle Clark takes him. He was first introduced to the principal inside the school. Then, he started his day, and the first half of the day went well. At noon it was time for the school to go to lunch. In the playground at lunchtime, a group of kids came and approached the the new kid. One of the kids asked,"where are you from?" The new kid responded, "I'm from Jackson," and the other boy said," How come they make you people so ugly in Jackson?" The new boy responded, ""You're not any too good-looking yourself." Then from there, words was exchanged and someone instigated the fight and push the boy into the new boy. They begin to fight, and after the fight the boy said he still wanted to fight. After school came and the new boy thought he would have to fight again, but luckily the boy was nowhere to be found. On his way home the new kid found a ring. He was going to use the ring to fight tomorrow in school. When the new boy came to school the next day, he didn't have too, because the group of boys came up to him and started a conversation and everything was resolved and handled.

" The Confrontation" by Raymond barrio, was another short story I also read. This story was about the life of a slave. This slave was explaining in this story, how hard, harsh and deadly the slave era was. He explained, how people were working in harsh conditions, wasn't eating right, and wasn't getting treated right. So, one day the slaves was told to take two cents out their buckets they earned. The slave tried to force himself not to say anything. Then, the slave couldn't help himself and said something. After the slave responded, the slave and the master staring at each other with red glaring eyes. The slave was so angry he kicked over his bucket. The other slaves seen him kicked over his bucket, so they did the same. The master took a second and thought. He decided he wasn't going to take two cents from their bucket, and everything went well after all.

In these two stories I have read, they had some similarities and differences. I feel in both of these stories, the people let their emotions and feelings get the best of them. They reacted from emotions in both of thees stories. In the story, " The Confrontation" by Raymond barrio. His action could of led him into a major injury or even deadly. In the other story, " The Fight" by Richard Wright. He also let his action get to him, but the worst that could of happen was a fight. I learned from these two stories, I have to think before I act, because the consequences could be serious or even deadly. So, think twice before you do anything, because everything people do has a consequence.