WRIGHTIn this short story called, "The Fight" by Richard Wright. This story was about a boy that transfers schools and is a little nervous to start his new school. On his first day, his uncle Clark takes him to school, he was nervous about how the boys would be in the new school. His first half of the school day went well, but I don't know if I can say the same about lunch and after school. At noon everyone goes to lunch in the school. During lunchtime in the playground, a group of boys comes up to the new boy. One of the boys out of the group, asked the new boy, "where he's from?" The new boy responded and told him "I'm from Jackson." The other boy said,"How come they make you people so ugly in Jackson?" The new boy said, "You're not any too good-looking yourself." So from there on they were going back and forth, until somebody instigated, and push the boy into the new boy and they begin to fight. After they finish fighting, the kid said he wanted to fight after school, but nobody didn't win or lose during lunch it was a draw. After school, the new boy was looing for him but, he was nowhere to be found. While the new boy was on his way home, he had found a ring that had a crimson color stone in the middle of it. The new boy was going to use it for his next fight, but when he came to school the next day he didn't have to. The group of boys that was with the other boy he had fought, had came up to him and started a conversation. Thats when he over came his hesitation and nervousness for the new school. I agree with what the new boy did, because the group of kids started with him and he couldn't avoid it. If I was in this situation I would of probably did the same thing. If the new boy didn't react the way he did, no telling how far this situation would of went. The new boy would of probably had to fight everyday, or the group of boys would try to pick on him and bully him all the time. He would of had to fight someone out that group everyday, but it worked out well and now the boy is comfortable.I feel the boy handled this situation in an appropriate way, because if he didn't the situation could of continued on. I also think the new boy let his pride and feelings take over his actions, but at the end of the day the situation was resolved and handled.